#507 – Richmond Rally Win, Chinese Virus Alert, Blade’s Rotting Away, + More

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The media is salty that the Richmond Lobby Day rally went off without a hitch. Alex Jones rode around screaming about 1776 from an armored truck while boomers descended upon the Virginia capital to take a stand against Governor Blackface’s gun grabbing legislation. Will Johnson of Patriot Prayer, also a former guest on the program, gets into an argument with a guy who suggests his light melanin content will allow him to survive the Day of the Submarines! There’s a dust-up on the Dick Show between Dick, Hazencruz and Miss Phase, who is apparently a tranny artist from the Sonic community. Nothing good ever comes out of getting involved with the Sonic fandom! NOTHING! By the way, our invoice is in the mail, Dick. OnlyUseMeBlade’s foot is completely fucked and is rotting away, China has birthed yet another potential pandemic, and some e-girl is angry that people won’t pay her $5.

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