Dame Pesos

[guest tag=”Dame-Pesos” first=”#133 – DamePesos Live, Sargon UKIP Failure Confirmed, Trout Back on Menu, + More (6/19/18)” last=”” website=”https://www.mundanemattisafatfaggot.com/” podcast=”” dlive=”” entropy=”” bitchute=”https://www.bitchute.com/channel/damepesos/” youtube=”https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7eWRnOTyqua812sDXGqiqw” twitch=”” twitter=”cenkpesos” parler=”” telegram=”” gab=”” instagram=”” facebook=”” patreon=”” subscribestar=”” url1=”” url1name=”” url2=”” url2name=”” url3=”” url3name=”” url4=”” url4name=”” url5=”” url5name=””]

Dame Pesos is the host of the Soyless Matt show and MundaneMatt‘s & Cenk Uygur’s worst nightmare! JAJAJAJAJAJA! His laughter can cure alcoholism. His Election Night Meltdown video making fun of the Young Turks made them so angry, they got Google to blacklist it. Matt was so upset by how much better the Soyless Matt Show is that he flagged every single one of Dame’s videos.