[guest tag=”Duerst-the-Wuerst” first=”” last=”” website=”” podcast=”” dlive=”” entropy=”” bitchute=”https://www.bitchute.com/channel/duerstthewuerst” youtube=”https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdLX0ypXzh9JeFel4hwqcjg” twitch=”” twitter=”” parler=”DuerstTheWuerst” telegram=”duerstthewuerst” gab=”” instagram=”” facebook=”” patreon=”” subscribestar=”” url1=”” url1name=”” url2=”” url2name=”” url3=”” url3name=”” url4=”” url4name=”” url5=”” url5name=””]
Duerst the Wuerst is a video maker that primarily films left-wing crowds, protesters and agitators. He was first mentioned on the Killstream by Mister Metokur back in 2018, when MythCon security kicked him out of the convention for filming. He made his first appearance on the Killstream in 2020, when his coverage of a Black Lives Matter protest resulted in a nasty hitpiece video by WISN 12, the Milwaukee ABC affiliate. The news report resulted in him getting deplatformed off of nearly every website, including Twitter, Patreon and Teespring.