Tagged: Culture War Criminal

#845 – Fuentes/Barnes, 60 Mins & DeTrans, + More

[ks-embed ktv=”https://watch.killstream.tv/webtv-v3/program-group/e4d7cbb83386f2dfc30fe4bd1186ce9e/program/508d186ba74f2875bece4959e1097137″ bitchute=”” odysee=”” id=”19245419″ ep=”fuentesbarnes-60-mins-detrans-more” taudio=”” tvideo=””] The Krew reviews the Fuentes vs Barnes Israel debate and Ralph covers the 60 Minutes piece on DE-transitioning. Warski, Rand, Bibble, & Culture War co-host. [ks-guest...

#844 – Life

[ks-embed ktv=”http://tv.killstream.live/vYhTsf” bitchute=”” odysee=”https://odysee.com/@theralphretort:1/killstream-life:d” id=”19230119″ ep=”life” taudio=”” tvideo=””] Ralph returns from a weeklong layoff following the passing of his mother, Sandra. Featuring Bibble, Rand, Culture War, and Gator. [ks-guest guest=”” cohost=”345,365,5551,482″ callin=”” mention=””]