#94 – Killstream Classic: Queen of Pole Edition
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Originally broadcast on April 30th, 2018, this is the Killstream episode that exposed Bryan Dunn / King of Pol / The Exceptional Detective’s rampaging homosexuality and love for traps, which ruined what was left of his Internet career. Leaked audio was dropped on Mister Metokur’s Metocast, featuring Bryan talking about his love of penis outlines on tight pants and his desire to turn his friend “Danny” into a trap and fuck him in the ass. TombaHat and Blackface Kermit join the show to go over the leaks, and the Killstream receives a surprise visit from Bryan’s ex, who proceeds to spill even more hilarious goss. Jim speculates that Bryan gets sexual pleasure from being trolled, causing Josh Moon to nearly have a nervous breakdown, then NakedApe and Joachim join in on the fun. Also, a wild Keemstar in the chat! It’s the Rhythm of the Night! Oh Yeah!
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