#499 – Syrian Girl Live, Paul Krugman’s Kiddie Porn Adventure, + Prince Harry Spergs
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Syrian Girl joins the program as the Killstream delves deeper into the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and the resulting ballistic missile retaliation, and Black Pigeon Speaks calls in to talk about inbreeding in the middle east and how Islam is right about women. It also turns out that Paul Krugman’s IP got backtraced, and he had to call cyber police to get rid of the massive amounts of cheese pizza on his internet box. The New York Times is on the case! The crew also cover the latest news, that Meghan “Cheddar” Markle is furthering her black widow plot by convincing Prince Harry to renounce his royalty status and move to Canada. What’s going to happen first, the Queen sending her army of paparazzi after Markle, or Harry being found half-eaten by a Moose in the Canadian wastelands, leaving behind a sizable life insurance policy?
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